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ENTRUST presented at TCG Members Meeting in Athens

UBITECH, a technical partner of ENTRUST, participated in the Trusted Computing Group (TCG) Members Physical Meeting held in Athens from June 3-6, 2024.

TCG is the leading organization for setting standards on security capabilities across the Compute Continuum (CC) to enhance trustworthiness. The annual meeting is a key event where TCG members discuss recent developments in trusted computing, cyber-resilience for mixed-criticality systems, and the requirements for securely migrating to next-generation zero-trust ecosystems.

At this year's meeting, ENTRUST was represented in the event where UBITECH presented its latest activities on the design of a new set of trust extensions that enable the implicit attestation of embedded systems. This allows the verification of various properties of trust (i.e., integrity, safety, resilience), for the target system, in a zero-knowledge manner - without the need to share sensitive details on the actual configuration and execution state of the device. This set of security capabilities has been designed as part of the overarching ENTRUST Trusted Computing Base (TCB) that is deployed into the (far) edge devices comprising a medical-service-graph-chain. This constitutes a core milestone towards tackling the problem of CC-wide trust quantification by introducing adaptive-to-changes mechanisms for capturing a devices' runtime state in a verifiable manner.


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